Contact Info
780 Creston Hatchery Road
Kalispell, MT 59901
- Phone:
- 406-758-6868
Established in 1939, the Creston National Fish Hatchery (NFH) originally provided fingerling trout for stocking waters in Glacier National Park. Today, the hatchery has three main purposes: to provide trout for fishery management activities on the seven Tribal Reservations in Montana; stock fish for mitigation purposes under the Hungry Horse Dam Mitigation Program; and produce native bull trout eggs and fry for research projects at various State, Federal, and educational facilities through the Federal Broodstock Program.Creston NFH welcomes visitors to the hatchery for a close-up view of the fish production process.Visitors are invited to walk around the raceways where most of the adult trout are held, and visit the hatchery building where eggs and small fish are reared.
Map + Directions
Basic Directions
Creston NFH is located at the Creston Fish and Wildlife Center in Flathead County, Montana. To locate the hatchery from Kalispell, take State Highway 35 east to Creston, continue east on Highway 35 approximately one mile and turn (left) north on Creston Hatchery Road, and then follow road for approximately one mile to the station.